Sunday, November 13, 2011

Renovating: Day One

Last week, we began our renovations at the Center. We are adding two new treatment rooms to the open space between reception and the pre-existing treatment room. And by "we" of course I mean my wonderful boyfriend, who is a licensed contractor by trade, is doing all of the work and I am blogging about it. Here are some pictures to recap all of his hard work last Sunday.

All of the metal and tools required for the job. 

The top track mounted ever so carefully to the drop ceiling frame.
Steel studs placed along top and bottom tracks.
Close up of the metal studs.
My contribution to the renovations so far- new door knobs on the cabinets in the pre-existing treatment room.
As I post this, my ever so talented boyfriend is installing drywall and insulation to these metal studs. And I am blogging.

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